Professor (Dr.) Nagendra Sharma



       Book under publication  :
Economy and Societies Under The Western Gangas: A study based on Inscriptions,
          Gyan Publishing House, Daryaganj ,New Delhi

          Articles Published 
§  Urban Economy under the Western Gangas: An Epigraphic Study’ in PIHC, 53rd Session, 1992-93, pp 110-13.
§   Dynamics of Society under the Western Gangas in PIHC, 54th Session, 1993-94, pp 84-88.
§  ‘Agrarian Economy under the Western Gangas: An Epigraphic Study’ in PIHC,  57th  Session, 1996, pp 126-31.
§   Society in Early Medieval Karnataka: A study of Western Gangas inscriptions’ in PIHC, 62nd Session, 2001, pp 127-33.
§  The Eternity Of Dharma ’ in P.G.D.A.V. Eve. College Magazine NEELAMBARA  2005 ,Pp 174-175 .
§  Bharat Ki Paryavaran Neetiyan’, Indian Government and Politics,Ed.,B.N. Chaudhary andYuvraj, Orient Longman, Delhi ,2010 , Pp563,Rs 255 ,under  the  Aegis of Department Of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi
§  ‘The making of a  ‘Nationalist’ Historian : A case study of K.P Jayaswal. Dev Bharat Khand –Sandesh , 2014,Vol.1(4) ,Pp 172- 177.

   Book- reviewS
§  Anil Kumar, Trade in Early Medieval Eastern India, Janki Prakashan, Patna, 2001, pp133.Rs 300.00 published in Indian Historical Review Vol XXXIV, No 1, January  2007.   
§  Iron and Social change in Early India: Debates in Indian History and  Society, ed. Bhairabi Prasad Sahu, Oxford University Press. 2006, New Delhi;Pp248 ;Rs.  595 Submitted in Refresher Course , Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. 24rth  May 2007.

         Papers Presented
§  Varnashram Vyavastha: Ek Vishleshan ’, Refresher Course Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. 24th May 2007
§  ‘The making of a  ‘Nationalist’ Historian : A case study of K.P Jayswal in CPDHE
                Refresher Course , 14th February 2010 ,University Of Delhi .
·       ‘ Religion and Society in Ancient India ’ in the Department of History , Govt . V.Y.T.P.G Autonomous College , Durg , Chattisgarh , 21st November 2014 .


·       Indian History Congress, Sessions: 2010 (Delhi), 2011(Patiala), 2012(Mumbai), 2013(Cuttack), 2014(Delhi).
·       Dr. Mahesh Rangarajan, 'Ecology, Environment and Colonial India: Beginnings and Departures' at Seminar Series, Department of History, University of Delhi, Delhi. 2004
·       Agriculture in South Asia’s History: Issues and Paradigm, Indian Council
     of Historical Studies, New Delhi, 2005.
·       Workshop on Environmental Issues in India, Department of History, University of Delhi, Delhi. 2007
·       Trade Towns and Currency : A Historical Perspective , UGC Sponsored National Seminar , 1st -2nd February 2007 ,Kalindi College, New Delhi .
·       Foundation day Lecture of ICHR on ‘Social and Attitudinal Change In  Medieval India (13th -17th Century ) by Prof. Satish Chandra, 27th  March 2008 , New Delhi.
·       Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Foundation Day Lecture by Prof. Robert Douglas Jessop on The Return of the National State in the Global Crisis   ,Nehru Memorial Museum and Library ,Teen Murti House , New Delhi , 6th April 2009
·       Taj Mahal : A symbol of Indo-Iranian Craftsmanship , 23-25th   October 2009 .
·       Cultural Journey: Indraprastha to Delhi ,Shyamlal College ( Eve ) ,15th Dec.2009 .
·       Restructuring Higher Education – Constraint and Possibilities, Arts and Commerce College , New Delhi ,17th -18th March  2010.
·       Indo-European Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education,
University Of Delhi ,May 6-7 2010,Delhi.
·       Caste System In Indian History ,PG.D.A.V COLLEGE  (Eve) New Delhi  ,11th Nov.2010
·       Participated in the Orientation  Course organized by CPDHE University of Delhi,
      Delhi.(10th May –6th June 2006)
·       Participated in the 15th Refresher Course in History and Culture organized by
      Academic Staff College, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. (04th May- 24th May
·       Participated in the Refresher Course In History organized by CPDHE Institute Of 
      Life Long Learning ,University Of Delhi .Delhi( 27th January  -15th February 2010)


·       Project Assistant (1991-92) for the UGC sponsored Project ‘Women in Early Indian Society : Sociological and Historical Perspectives’.
·       Project Coordinator in Total Literacy Campaign in Mangolpuri Resettlement Colony from November 1991 to December 1992 ( sponsored by HRD Ministry).

·       Worked for a Delhi based publishing concern from 2nd April 1996 to 30th January 1997 as Editor.