Delhi-- Lal Qila and Shahjanabad
The History Society ‘Virasat’ organized a study tour for the B.A. (Prog.) and B.A (Hons.) students on 6th November, 2019 to Red Fort. The students were eager to visit this historical site as they had read about the significance of ‘Qila Mubarak.’ After a few hurdles faced during purchasing tickets and security check, the team gained entry within the Red Fort premises. The students immediately got engaged in gathering information about the different monuments of the Fort, the lifestyle of the Mughals who lived there and their political achievements. Dr. Sanjay Kumar enlightened the students about the different structures and the changes brought in them after the revolt of 1857. He told them about the difficulties of the people residing there in Shahajanabad during the time of the revolt. Many changes were introduced in the fort and the city after the revolt. Many portions were auctioned off by the Britishers and structures considered sacred were permanently damaged as a penalty for the revolt. The team of visitors from the college included 76 students along with the teachers of the department of History.
Department of History, to celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of
Mahatma Gandhi had planned a series of programmes. This had to begin with a
lecture on Mahatma Gandhi by an eminent scholar. Dr. Mridula Arora, the Teacher
in-charge of the department requested Professor Anand Kumar, formerly at
Jwaharlal Nehru University, who very kindly gave consent for the lecture
despite of his hectic schedule. This lecture, which was an inaugural programme
too, entitled “Rashtra Nirman ki chunautiyan: Gandhiji ki Virasat” was
organized on 25.02.2019 at 4:00 P.M. in the old seminar hall of the College.
Dr. Mridula Arora hosted the programme. The programme began with the lightening
of the lamps. Principal Dr. R.K. Gupta in his welcome address remembered the
day when Prof. Anand Kumar had last deliberated on the relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in
the College. In his speech, Dr. Nagendra
Sharma, in-charge, Virasat said that the Society always tries to bring great
scholars to address the students and the faculty members to give richness and
varieties of intellectual content. Professor Anand Kumar began his lecture by
introducing some of the values which are enshrined in our Constitution and said
that Gandhiji’s idea of India was conducive to the Indianness. Gandhiji’s
teachings of non-violence and politics of morality was emphasized upon. The
lecture left the audience spellbound and the speaker got a standing ovation
from the audience. After the lecture a question-answer session took place.
Questions from the students were pouring in and Prof. Kumar was very eagerly
replying them all. Prof. Kumar was very happy to learn that the college
students who were from other streams than history had a great interest in
Mahatma Gandhi and his role in Indian Freedom Struggle. The programme ended
with a vote of thanks by Dr. Sanjay Kumar.
In a
series of programmes to celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of
Mahatma Gandhi, the Department of History under the aegis of History Scoiety,
Virasat organized an Essay Writing Competition on the “Role of Mahatma Gandhi
in Indian Nagational Movement” on 26th of March 2019. The Society
received a number of entries and the following students selected for the
Ajay Dube of B.A. (Programme) IVth Semester (Roll No. 4091)------1st
Lalruth of B.A. (Programme) VIth Semester (Roll No. 2256)----------2nd
Kshitij Raj of B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics, VIth Semester---------------3rd
third programme in the ongoing series of programmes to celebrate the 150th
Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was a Quiz Competition on the life journey
and his role in the Indian Independence Movement was organized on 29.03.2019 at
4:00 p.m. in Room no. 102. The title of the quiz was “Gandhiji and his role
in Indian National Movement”. Around 50 students participated and after
three rounds following students were declared winner:
1. Kum Kum Yadav of B.A. (Programme), Roll No.
2284 Semester VI----1st
Sahil Farooque of B.A. (Programme), Roll No 425 Semester II---2nd
3. Prayag Singh of B.A. (Hons) Pol. Science, Roll
No. 5832 Semester IV---3rd
fourth and final programme in the series of Mahatma Gandhi’s Celeberation was a
competition to present papers on “Role of Gandhiji in Indian National Movement”
Each participant was given 4+1 minutes of time. Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Dr. Shruti
Vip were the judges, who decided three best paper presentations by the
following students:
1. Ajay Dube of B.A. (Programme) IVth Semester
(Roll No. 4091)------1st
Lalruth of B.A. (Programme) VIth Semester (Roll No. 2256)----------2nd
Ayush Raj B.A. (Programme) IInd Semester (Roll no. 385)------------3rd
In a series of programmes to celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Department of History under the aegis of History Scoiety, Virasat organized an Essay Writing Competition on the “Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian Nagational Movement” on 26th of March 2019. The Society received a number of entries and the following students selected for the prizes.
Commemoration of 100 years of
Jallianwalah Bagh Massacre (1919)
Samprabhu, the Political Science
society and Virasat, the History Society came together to organize a
commemoration programme for the 100th Anniversary of the massacre in the association of the Film Appreciation Committee of the College on 12 April 2019
at 3:00p.m. in the Old Seminar Hall. The
programme started with the lightening of the lamp and remembering the martyrs
of the Jallianwalah Bagh. In the first
part of the programme a documentary film produced by the Film Division,
Government of India was screened for the audience. The documentary was not only
rich in content but also had original video footages of the time, which helped
the students understand the situation of the days when protests related to the
Rowlett Act were being held. After the screening of the film, Dr. S.R. Raj,
convener of Samparbhu introduced the guest speakers, Dr. Anil Dutta
Mishra, Eminent Gandhian Scholar and Dy. Director, National Gandhi Museum and
Dr. Shriram Oberoi, Associate Professor (Retd.), University of Delhi to the
audience. In his Welcome Address, Principal Dr. R. K. Gupta highlighted the
courage and determination of Udham Singh who was present in the Jallianwalah
Bagh when this brutal killing was going on and took revenge of the massacre by
killing one of the responsible British officials. Dr. Anil Dutta Mishra began
his speech by remembering the martyrs of Jallianwallah and related this
incident with the beginning of mass politics. He said that this incident
inspired many revolutionary and changed the course of Indian National Movement.
He emphasized on the fact that Gandhiji got convinced of his idea that the goal
of Swarajya can only be achieved through non-violence after this mass murder
only. Dr. Shriram Oberoi, in his deliberation, emphasized on the fact that the
Jallianwalah Bagh massacre was not the first mass murder of Indians by a
foreign power, rather it was one of the bloodiest. He remembered the killings
ordered by Nadir Shah, the Persian invader and then by Ahmad Shah Abdali. He
then elaborated upon the incidents that evolved into the mass murder. After
both the lectures, question-answer session started, in which, the students
enquired into many aspects of the massacre. Around a hundred students and
teachers from across the departments participated in the seminar. The programme
came to an end with the vote of thanks by Dr. Sanjay Kumar of Department of
A Report on visit to the Humayun’s Tomb and National Museum on 10.10.2018
Report on ‘Exploring Heritages of Antiquity and Modern: Inderpat/Indraprastha and Mughal Gardens’ on February 17, 2018
The main objective of this visit was to provide a platform to students where they can get detailed knowledge of museology and to gain a hands-on experience of cultural artefacts from different time periods. This unique exposure provided the foundation for reflection, experimentation, inspiration, creativity, enjoyment amongst the students and allowed for authentic learning experiences related to their curriculum.
“विरासत” (इतिहास विभाग सोसाइटी) 2016-17
दिनांक 4 अक्तूबर 2016 को ‘विरासत’ के तत्वाधान में विभाग के विद्यार्थियों के लिए राष्ट्रीय संग्रहालय के परिभ्रमण का आयोजन किया गया। जहां इतिहास के विद्यार्थी पुरातत्व संबंधी आधारभूत व्यावहारिकताओं से आवगत हुये। इस कार्यक्रम के मध्य विद्यार्थियों के समक्ष हड़प्पा सभ्यता में मिले अवशेषों के आधार पर बनी विशेष वृत-चित्र (डॉक्युमेंट्री फिल्म) का प्रदर्शन भी किया गया । छात्र-छात्राओं ने संग्रहालय में उपलब्ध मध्यकालीन चित्रकारी तथा आभूषणों के संग्रह मे विशेष रुचि दिखाई तथा सभ्यता के विकास के इतिहास को प्रत्यक्ष्य अनुभव किया । वहीं 06 अक्तूबर 2016, को ‘विरासत’ ने विभाग के विद्यार्थियों के लिए लोदी गार्डेन के परिभ्रमण का आयोजन किया। इस परिभ्रमण का उद्धेश इतिहास के विद्यार्थियों को उत्तर-सल्तनत कालीन वास्तुकला तथा उसके साथ राजकीय शक्ति के संबंध को दर्शाना था। पूर्व-प्राचार्य, डाक्टर रामजी नारायणन ने
इस परिभ्रमण का नेतृत्व किया। लोदी गार्डेन 1444 में अलाउद्दीन आलम शाह ने मुहम्मद शाह की याद में बनवाया था। जिसमें मुख्यरूप से मुहम्मद शाह, सिकंदर लोदी के मकबरों के अलावा शीश गुंबद तथा बड़ा गुंबद जैसे लोदी वास्तुकला के नमूने उपलब्ध हैं। वास्तुकला की दृष्टि से लोदी काल वास्तव में एक संक्रमण का काल है जो मुग़ल वास्तुकला में परिपक्व होता है।
दिनांक 8 मार्च 2017 को इतिहास विभाग ने कालेज के इंटरनल क्वालिटी असोरेन्स सेल के साथ मिल कर एक फकल्टी डेवलपमेंट प्रोग्राम (FDP) का आयोजन किया। इस प्रोग्राम का उद्देश नए सी॰ बी॰ सी॰ एस॰ प्रोग्राम के अंतर्गत लागू किए गए जेनेरिक एलेक्टिव तथा एम॰ आई॰ एल॰ विषय ‘Cultural Diversity in India’ को समझना था। यह कार्यक्रम केवल विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षकों को ध्यान में रख कर कराया गया। यह कार्यशाला में दो सत्रों में विभाजित थी, पहले सत्र में उक्त विषय के प्राचीन तथा मध्यकालीन भारतीय इतिहास के पहलुओं पर चर्चा की गई। विषय-विशषज्ञ प्रोफेसर बी॰ पी॰ साहू ने प्राचीन इतिहास जबकि प्रोफेसर सुनील कुमार ने मध्यकालीन इतिहास से संबन्धित विषय-वस्तु पर चर्चा की । दूसरे सत्र में प्रोफेसर अमर फारुकी ने आधुनिक तथा समकालीन इतिहास को अपनी चर्चा का विषय बनाया। जिसके बाद दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के विभिन्न महाविद्यालयों से आए 76 शिक्षकगणों ने अपनी शंकाओं से एक दूसरे को अवगत कराया। कार्यक्रम का उदघाटन माननीय रवीद्र गुप्ता जी, प्राचार्य ने किया जबकि प्रतिभागियों को एफ़॰ डी॰ पी॰ के विषय से संबन्धित अवधारणा तथा विशेषज्ञों से विभागाध्यक्ष एवं इस कार्यक्रम के संयोजक ड़ा॰ नगेंद्र शर्मा ने परिचित कराया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन डॉ॰ श्रुति विप ने किया। कार्यक्रम के पश्चात प्राचार्य द्वारा प्रतिभागियों में प्रमाण-पत्र का वितरण किया गया। कार्यक्रम का समापन डॉ संजय कुमार के धन्यवाद ज्ञापन से हुआ।
A Report on The Faculty Development Programme By the
“Research Methodology in History”
Report of Virasat 2015-16
Report 2014-15